Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Convention; Day 6 (D.C.)

Dean Jones was in the house last night. He presented a really great speech interlaced with powerful humor and drama. He touched on both current events and talked about our founding fathers and their documented reliance on the Word and Truth. He ended with a recreation of a prayer discovered in a journal of George Washington. It was an excellent experience.

This morning, the City Light band returned to share some soulful praise. Our hometown hero Nate Poetzl (Head Pastor, New Life Foursquare) shared the morning message on worship. Between Dean Jones and Nate, I definitely want to buy the DVD set from this week (available from Fresh Audio & Video).

We ran into a little trouble today after Nate finished up. We were supposed to show a four minute video about next year’s convention in Israel, but we didn’t have the right clip so, even though I ran across the hotel and back to get the right one, the audience watched the same short version twice. Pastor Jack joked about it, but it was disappointing; maybe we’ll show the full version later.

Kari brought me snacks before the late morning praise and teaching. I’m going to be happy when I can go back to eating on a more regular schedule. She also ran to the Rite Aid down the street to get Mike some bandages and Ace wraps; he took a bad step on a short set of steps in the ballroom. It looks like he’s planning to tough it out through the Business Meeting before he takes his shoe off to ice his ankle.

It’s about 12:30 pm (EST) and we’ll get our next break around 2:30. The newsboys will be here to lead worship for the evening session. I like some of their songs and I haven’t seen them live before. I always like live music.

Well, the Business Meeting was not called to order because there were not enough voting members to make a quorum (50% + 1 attendance). I think there are around 3800 attendees and about 1800 voting members. Approximately 900 members were needed at the business meeting but only 600 or so were present in the ballroom. Mike tells me they’re likely to handle quite a bit of ‘business’ during this evening’s session when they expect 900 plus voting members to attend. I imagine the newsboys will help draw a full house.

Molly and Tucker Cauble just took off for the local music shop (probably Guitar Center) to get a new ‘axe’. Apparently the newsboys broke one of theirs and Tucker’s knows what to get (probably a Les Paul). Soundcheck is going on right now. The newsboys brought in their own production talent so the guys from Delicate are just kind of sitting around watching all their settings get replaced. The lights look great and the sound is rocking! I think the 50-year-service award recipients who will be seated in the front row are in for a real treat (I think someone ran down to the drug store to get them ear-plugs) :-).