Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Convention; Day 5 (D.C.)

This morning arrived about as early as I expected it to. I was a bit surprised at how easily I got out of bed to attack the noisy hotel alarm clock. Sometimes I can tune those things out and snooze away. I was really hoping to find the hotel’s cafĂ© opened and at least serving coffee, but I was bitterly disappointed. I wouldn’t get coffee until after 7:30 when Mike handed me his Starbucks card. Kari and I went to get drinks for the rest of the crew and it was already warming up outside. The SunTrust bank down by DuPont Circle has shown as high as 102° (although weather.com shows high 90’s) and the humidity is in the 70% range.

I spent the morning updating the MediaShout script that was running in the house, but was basically wrapped up before we went to Starbucks. The service got going about 8am and included a rockin’ praise set by City Light. There was a speaker in the morning and then a brunch break which I missed. I took a cab to Clarendon (Arlington), Virginia to the nearest Apple Store. I picked up a DVI-VGA connector for a presenter in a workshop session and hurried back to the hotel. I actually rode in a really nice, clean taxi on the way there and had a pretty enjoyable conversation with the driver on the way back. When I got back, the brunch session was wrapping up and a second speaker was getting ready to go.

Steve and I escaped for lunch at about 1 o’clock and ran up to our rooms to change. Kari and Molly were planning to have girl time and go shopping so we boys decided to hop on the Metro to Pentagon City. We were pushing it on time but it was time to find something new to eat. We settled on Johnny Rockets; I had a St. Louis burger, ½ & ½ onion rings and “American Fries”, with a root beer float. :) We were thoroughly sweating and exhausted by the time we got back to the hotel. Even though I was late, I had to have a shower before I went back to the ballroom for the evening session.

I’m in the ballroom now and the show’s about to start. I spent some time running around on little errands but mostly I’ve been updating these blog entries for the last half hour (off and on). I’ll probably resume tomorrow.