Monday, May 29, 2006

Convention; Day 2 (D.C.)

Yesterday was when we really got into the swing of things. We met in the ballroom at 8am and got started on setting the stage. Our graphics/production platform is now setup at the back of the International Ballroom at Hilton Washington. The sound, lighting and video teams are setup in front of us and are just dialing in their systems now. The ballroom looks great now, with nice white columns and patriotic banners around the stage.

My main project for the day was to create a timer and clock to be wired up to the stage for the presenters. I was surprised how difficult that was… I ended up using Excel, Word and PowerPoint to create the visual I wanted. Today, I exported it all to MediaShout.

The highlight yesterday was borrowing Mike and Debbie’s jeep to pick up Kari at the airport. She had called earlier in the day and vented about the miserable time she had in Valley City, North Dakota. So, I was glad to surprise her by picking her up and taking her for dinner. I had a great adventure driving through the city of Washington. We hurried back to the hotel, but then I had to go straight to a tech meeting. The meeting was slightly amusing but I couldn’t stay through the end.

Kari and I ducked out early to grab a burrito at Chipotle.